Tue. Feb 25th, 2025

Alur kingdom to partner with Plan international in fighting early child marriage.

Hon. Ochaya Vincent Orach the Prime Minister Alur kingdom speaking during a meeting with chiefs.

Hon. Ochaya Vincent Orach the Prime Minister Alur kingdom speaking during a meeting with chiefs.

 Prisca Oroma


Following the increase in early marriage and teenage pregnancy in the kingdom, Plan International is set to work with Alur Kingdom through the chiefs in fighting this vice which is slowly eating up the current generation.

Speaking during the inception meeting with the Chiefs in Nebbi and Pakwach recently, Obong Isaac the programs manager Plan International said that During the Coronation Anniversary of the king last year there was concern about the increasing cases of teenage mothers and early marriage and that is why Plan has decided to partner with the Kingdom to help fight this vice.

He said that Plan works for children because a good home is seen from a child’s development and growth and also focuses on promoting the rights of girls.

“currently we are implementing the Girls Get Equal program which is five years and we are partnering aimed at keeping girls in school with AFARD and Trailblazers monitoring foundation to implement the project in the three districts of Nebbi, Pakwach, and Zombo and this will also be done in partnership with the chiefs since we realized that they are the custodians of the culture and are paramount in promotion of good morals in the society” he said.

He added that Plan International is also implementing Programs like, youth economic empowerment, early childhood education and strengthening child protection systems.   

Hon. Ochaya Vincent Orach the Prime Minister Alur Kingdom in his opening remarks said that the issue of the girl child is our responsibility because the most treasured person in our homes is a woman and the only role of a man is provision and most of them are failing leaving their roles now to women.

He said it is unfortunate that even parents are giving out their young girls into marriage and the Chiefs also help in officiating such marriages which shows that most people still don’t value girl child education but look at them as wealth.

“Alur Culture respected the girls and women and there were no cases of child marriage because a girl is groomed until at the age of 25 that is the official marriage age for an Alur girl so what is happening now shows diversion from culture” he said.

He added that The issue of teenage pregnancies is worse in seven chiefdoms of Atyak Wi nam, Omua paidha, Opanu, Aryek, Ocego, Panyimur and Boro.

Rwoth Charles Urombi the chief of Amor and the chairperson of the chiefs of Junam said that they are grateful that a partner has come in to help fight this vice because they have been struggling with it on their own and it was getting out of hand.

“we pledge total support to this project to see our girls remain in school and marry at the right age which is 25 and above” he added.
